The principal resident magistrate court in Mzuzu on May 03 2023 convicted and sentenced Masauko Gama, 28, to 8 years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL) in 3 counts which all involve breaking into a building and committing a felony therein at Ekwenden Trading Center in Mzimba District.

The court heard through prosecutor sergeant Emmanuel Mphweya that, During the night of 28 April , 2023 at Ekwenden Trading Center in Mzimba, Gama broke and entered into the shop of Daniel Msukuma and stole therein assorted groceries all valued at k350,000,00.

During the same night in the same area Gama broke and entered into the shop of Bathezi Kapesa and stole therein assorted items worth k95,000,00 and thereafter Gama ,with intent to commit a felony therein broke and entered into Fabiano Mwanza shop.

Appearing before court Gama pleaded guilty to the charge of breaking into a building and committing a felony therein in which contravenes section 311 of the penal code.

In his submission, State prosecutor Mphweya asked court to slap the convict with stiffer punishment to act as a deterrent to other would be offenders.

Passing sentence, Principal Resident Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda concurred with the State saying such cases are now rampant in Mzuzu.

Principal Resident Magistrate Chamwenda then went on slapping the convict to 2 years IHL first count, 3 years IHL second count and 3 years IHL third count.

The sentences will run consecutively.

Masauko Gama hails from Jeremani in the area of Traditional Authority Mzikubola in Mzimba District.

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