A burial ceremony in Chiweshe turned chaotic on Saturday after a man, identified as Robson Dhlamini, pulled out a gun and fired into the air in protest of being barred from attending the funeral wake of his late brother-in-law, Leonard Marevo.

Dhlamini reportedly blocked the hearse carrying the coffin of Marevo, who was married to his sister, Lucia, but had separated from her prior to his death.

According to H-Metro, Robson Dhlamini was reportedly unhappy after being barred from attending the funeral wake of his late brother-in-law Marevo due to marital issues between his sister and the deceased.

Robson’s sister and the late Marevo were reportedly no longer living together at the time of his death.

“Robson was barred from attending the funeral of his brother-in-law because of some marital issues between his sister and Leonard. Leonard had a misunderstanding with his wife, Lucia, and at the time of his death, they were no longer living together,” said a source.

Mourners at the burial were left in shock and terror when Robson fired a single shot into the air, causing chaos and sending people running for cover. The tense situation only defused after some time, allowing the burial proceedings to proceed as planned.

A priest, who was conducting the burial service, made a police report against Robson.

The incident has sparked outrage, with many Zimbabweans expressing concern over the increasing cases of gun violence in the country. Some have called on the government to tighten gun control laws to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

Meanwhile, authorities have launched an investigation into the incident and urge the public to refrain from using firearms to resolve disputes.

Source: hararelive

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