The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) and two other concerned citizens, Wells Khama and Zainab Hassan, have postponed their planned vigils initially slated for May 12 at the office of the Attorney General (AG) in Lilongwe.

This follows a meeting Cdedi and the concerned citizens had with the Lilongwe City Council and the police on Wednesday.

In a letter issued after the meeting, Lilongwe District Commissioner (DC) Lawford Palani says the parties resolved to postpone the intended vigils because the AG Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda was ready and willing to engage the organisers on the issues raised.

The letter further says the DC’s office will facilitate the engagement process with the AG.

Cdedi executive director Sylvester Namiwa confirmed postponing the vigils but emphasised that “our eyes are fixed on the ball.”

“Now all we are expecting is proof that indeed K750 million was recovered.

“Secondly, an explanation why no one has been arrested despite the firing of the then Agriculture Minister Lobin Lowe and his deputy Madalitso Wirima, now promoted to a full minister.

“We would like to strongly believe that we will get all this from this said engagement with AG or else, as he promised, he should resign since he has lost the trust of the people of Malawian as he is not transparent let alone accountable,” said Namiwa in an interview after the meeting.

He said the vigils were a last resort to ensure the money is recovered.

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