A lorry belonging to Partners in Health on Friday burnt to ashes after it plunged into an electric pole at Naminjasi in Neno District.

According to Neno Police Publicist, Austin Kamwendo, the accident occurred Friday evening after the vehicle registration number NN 10219, a Tata 5 ton driven by Amos Yohane who was coming from Chifunga heading to Zalewa lost control due to over speeding.

“Upon arrival at the said place, due to over speeding, Yohane lost control of the motor vehicle and it swerved to the extreme near side bush where it hit an electric pole which resulted in fire that burnt the vehicle into ashes,” said Kamwendo.

Yohane, 44, who hails from Bililiwiri Village, Traditional Authority Mthache in Mwanza District, escaped unharmed.

The police PRO has, therefore, pleaded with drivers to observe road guidelines and signs to avoid accidents.

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