President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has condemned the fracas that happened this morning during the official opening of Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) offices and laboratory in the commercial capital Blantyre.

Youths clad in Malawi Congress Party (MCP) tshirts and women in the party’s full attire exchanged brawls with United Transformation Movement (UTM) supporters at the premises.

The MCP youths also destroyed UTM placards, tore UTM clothes, flags and mercilessly beaten up some of their colleagues.

It is said that the two sides were fighting for front role when welcoming Chakwera together with his Vice Dr. Saulos Chilima,

Speaking at a political rally Chakwera condemned the incident, saying the ugly scenes speaks against the one Malawi he has been preaching.

The President then called for tolerance among members of different political parties in the Tonse Alliance.

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