The Mzimba First Grade Magistrate’s Court on May 17, 2023 convicted and sentenced a 27-year-old man, Gabriel Kachali, to pay a fine of K300,000.00 or in default serve one year imprisonment with hard labour for wounding a s3x worker and removing her three front teeth at Jenda Trading Centre.

The court through state prosecutor Inspector Jane Chawinga heard that on April 30, 2023 Gabriel agreed with the s3x worker that they will meet up at some place, but the woman did not show up and this prompted him to follow her to a lodge where she was conducting her business. Finding the s3x worker serving another man, Gabriel got angry and beaten-up both the woman and her client mercilessly, in the process the sex worker lost three teeth.

Appearing before court, Gabriel pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful wounding.

In her submission, state prosecutor Inspector Chawinga asked the court for a stiffer punishment, saying s3x workers have rights which must be respected and also suffered a great loss. In a twist of events, the sex worker wanted him to go scot-free claiming they are in relationship

However, First Grade Magistrate Loness Gumbo agreed with the state and slapped Gabriel Kachali with a fine of K300,000.00 or in default serve one year imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful wounding which is contrary to Section 241 of the Penal Code.

Gabriel Sichali comes from Bulala Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chindi in Mzimba.

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