Police in Mzimba have advised drivers to be cautious when driving to avoid causing accidents which are resulting in loss of lives of motorists and passengers.

The advice follows an accident on Wednesday of Deputy Head Teacher of St John Bosco secondary school identified as David Mbale, 44.

Mzimba Police Publicist, Sub Inspector Peter Botha said Mbale died on Wednesday following head injuries he sustained when the vehicle he was travelling in, a Mazda Demio registration number BLK 6857 driven by Lusayo Zimba, swerved and overturned at Champhoyo trading centre after the driver failed to negotiate a left bend due to over speeding.
The vehicle was carrying five passengers.

‘‘The driver was driving from the direction of Kasungu heading for Mzuzu along the Jenda –Mzuzu road M1 road. After the accident, one passenger died and another sustained a fracture to her left arm, while other passengers and the driver escaped with minor injuries and were treated as outpatients at Mzimba District hospital’’, he said.


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