A MAN has allegedly assaulted his pregnant wife for serving her uncle a piece of chicken which the assailant claimed was his favourite.

Zulu, aged 27, is alleged to have hit his wife, Mwamulima, 25, with a stone after she served her uncle a drumstick, which is usually reserved for him as husband.

Ms Mwamulima, who is currently nursing serious injuries on her body at Ndola Teaching Hospital, was seven months pregnant.

Copperbelt Province police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba and a medical personnel at Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital confirmed the incident in separate interviews yesterday.

“The victim was believed to be pregnant. Brief facts are that the woman and her husband, who came home drunk, had some marital misunderstanding which resulted in him picking a stone which was used to inflict the said injuries,” he said.

A relative of the victim who did not want to be named said on the fateful night the victim’s uncle went to visit her at her house.

The source said the victim then decided to prepare nshima for her uncle and served him a chicken drumstick and vegetables.

“When her husband went home, Diana served him nshima and another part of the chicken. He asked her where the drumstick, which was his favourite, went. When she told him that her uncle had eaten it, he started hitting her on her waist and all over her body.

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