Chiradzulu First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced a 35 years old Vincent Andrea to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for having sex with a 6 years old child.

The court heard through state prosecutor Inspector Spenard Chankoma from Chiradzulu Police Station that the incident happened during the afternoon hours of March 26, 2023.

The victim on the said date met the Andrea on her way to visit her grandmother and he dragged her into a nearby maize field where he defiled her.

The same day in the evening, the victim’s mother was surprised after Andrea visited her house to check if her daughter(victim) had arrived safely.

Two days later, the victim started complaining of feeling pain when urinating, and after being quizzed she narrated the ordeal to her mother who reported the matter to the Village Headman and later to Police.

She was issued a referral letter to Chiradzulu District Hospital where medical examination confirmed that the victim was defiled.

Appearing before court, Andrea pleaded not guilty and that prompted the state to parade witness to prove the matter beyond reasonable doubts.

In mitigation, the convict prayed for leniency to the court when passing its sentence saying that he is a first offender.

The state through Chamkoma, asked the court to slap the convict with stiffer punishment saying the offense is serious in nature.

Passing his sentence, First Grade Magistrate Smart Maruwasa, concurred with the state that such offenses are rampant in the country.

He then went on to slap Andrea to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour to serve as a deterrent to other would be offenders.

Vincent Andrea hails from Chikwana Village, Traditional Authority Likoswe in Chiradzulu.


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