Police in Mulanje have arrested four people for allegedly breaking into two houses and stealing K170,000,00 at Limbuli Trading Center, bringing to five suspects in connection with the case.

The incident happened during the midnight of May 27,2023.

It is reported that a gang of unknown criminals armed with pangas broke into the house of James Khunyumbu,30, of Chimwaza village Traditional Authority Njema in Mulanje at Limbuli and went away with k170 000,00 cash leaving the watchman injured.

On the same night, the gang proceeded to the house of Samson Mitambo ,38, of Namasalima village in Traditional Authority Njema where they broke windows of his house but failed to enter. The owner of the house shot one of the criminals in self-defense.

Members of the community apprehended one gang member, Thoko Tebulo, an ex-convict who previously served an eight year jail term for robbery.

They handed him over to the police where he (Tebulo) also mentioned four other suspects.

Mulanje Police station Public Relations Officer Sergeant Innocent Moses has identified the suspects as Victor Steven 22, Henry Maseti 21 both from Takhiwa village in Traditional Authority Njema,Nune Jackson 21 from Chimwaza village and Mongani Chimasulu 26 from Sayindimatola village in Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi District.

Meanwhile, Mulanje Police detectives are on ground to arrest more suspects behind the Limbuli robbery.

Police have further urged the general public to report any suspicious crimes to Police to promote a very safe and secure environment.

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