A 23 year old man Raphael Zimba has died after being hit by a vehicle registration number BY 8171 Toyota Sienta at Kathundu near Kasambankhori market in Mzimba on May 30, 2023.

The accident occurred yesterday around midnight. The vehicle was being driven by Alinafe Nyirenda from Luviri direction heading towards Jenda trading center. He hit Raphael who was going the same direction.

Following the impact, Raphael sustained severe head injuries and was taken to Jenda Rural Health Centre where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. The motor vehicle had its nearside windscreen cracked, its nearside part extensively damaged and the driver escaped unhurt.

Raphael hailed from Kathundu Village, Traditional Authority Mzikubola in Mzimba District.

Jenda police Station is advising the drivers and the general public to always observe all road signs and regulations. They should always share the road with other road users and be observant when driving especially during the night when vision is usually impeded.

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