Thugs have broken into offices of Nyasa Rainbow Alliance – an (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Intersex) LGBTI advocacy grouping and stolen court documents.
The thugs have also stolen a laptop computer, camera and and other documents.
Meanwhile, executive director of the organization Erick Sambisa says they have reported the incident to Malawi Police Service.
He adds: “the development is not only devastating, but also retrogressive. We have every reason to believe that this is an attempt by some overzealous people to frustrate our operations as we strive to defend and protect the rights of the LGBTI persons in Malawi who are currently facing harassment and discrimination because of their sexual orientation”.
The break-in has come at a time the organization in conjunction with our stakeholders has moved the Constitutional Court of Malawi to declare the sodomy law unconstitutional on account that the said law criminalizes consensual same sex relations between adults in private.
“Since our organization has reported the matter to Police, it is our expectation that the police will investigate the matter and bring the culprits to book,” said Sambisa.
Source: MIJ
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