Police in Blantyre have arrested two men on suspicion that they have been committing offenses of theft of motor vehicle parts in in the City.
The suspect have been identified the suspects as  Jimmy Maingi and Tonny Mathala.
For sometime, Blantyre Police has been receiving complaints from Malawians especially those who park their Cars at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and some surrounding areas that emblems of their cars are always stolen by unknown people.
Following the complaints, Blantyre Police detectives launched investigation into the matter.
On Tuesday 20th of June, 2023 the two were caught by police in the process of committing the crime. They were removing the emblems from the vehicles parked at the hospital.
When they were searched they were found with seventeen(17) emblems of various vehicles including Toyota, Honda, BMW and many others.
During interrogation, they revealed that they remove the emblems from Cars parked along the City streets and other parking areas within the City and that they sale to people who need them.
The two will this week appear before the Court to answer their charges accordingly
Police in Blantyre are thankful to those who reported the matter to police for their patience while investigations were being carried out.
Jimmy Maingi is 24 years-old hails from Makata Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kapeni in Blantyre while Tonny Mathala is 26, comes from Gwaza Village Gwaza, in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Katchini in Zomba District.
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