An angry mob at Mponela in Dowa on Wednesday evening burnt to death a 17-year-old boy suspected to have stolen a motor vehicle battery.

Mponela Police Spokesperson Macpatson Msadala has identified the deceased as Madalitso Tembo from Msakadziko Village in Traditional Authority (TA) Kayembe in Dowa.

It is alleged that Tembo was a habitual juvenile criminal who used to commit breaking and theft offences.

According to Msadala, during the night of June 21, Tembo broke into a shop at Chimundi Trading Centre and went away with a motor vehicle battery.

“Upon hearing the news, angry villagers started looking for him and caught him at Chimundi Trading Centre where they assaulted him.

“Tembo subsequently revealed that he had hidden the stolen motor vehicle battery in his father’s garden, and was taken to recover it.

However, on the way back, the angry mob assaulted and burnt him to death,” said Msadala.

“We strongly condemn mob justice in its entirety. Any suspected offender must be brought to relevant authorities. We have already launched a manhunt for the suspects behind this murder,” added Msadala.


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