Information reaching this publication indicate that Silon Chirwa from Chinthewere village in Nkhata-Bay is in deep pain after he was allegedly shot on the leg by police in the district Wednesday afternoon.

According to Zodiak Online, the incident happened following a commotion that ensued between a villager and guards at Kawalazi Estate.

The guards suspected that the villager trespassed the company’s land. They arrested him and handed him over to Mzenga Police Unit.

The source further said Chirwa angered with his friends arrest, they mobilised themselves and went to the said police unit in an attempt to force police release him.

Police are said to have fired shots in response to the the villagers aggressiveness, but police say the suspect was accidentally shot.

Nkhata-Bay police spokesperson Sergeant Kondwani James said the irate villagers stormed Mzenga Police Unit, and were pelting stones demanding release of their colleague.

James said, to control the situation police released the suspect on bail, but later the villagers returned to attack other police officers.

Source: Zodiak

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