Mangochi First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced a 28 year old man to 10 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) after the court found him guilty of an act intended to cause grievous harm contrary to Section 235 of the Penal Code.
Mangochi Police Prosecutor, Sub Inspector Shadreck Wisiki identified the convict as Alex Buliyana and he told the court that on March 10, 2023 at Maldeco Market outside Vilimo Bar, the convict who was working as bartender stabbed David Grant two times on the lower abdomen near the navel.
The state prosecutor added that the victim was hospitalized for more than 20 days at Mangochi District Hospital.
Appearing before Magistrate Roy Kakutu, the suspect pleaded not guilty prompting the state to parade three witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.
In mitigation, the accused prayed for the court’s leniency saying he committed the offense on self-defense and that he is asthmatic, breadwinner, has a wife and two children.
In submission, Sub Inspector Wisiki said the suspect is a first offender but his offense is a felony which attracts maximum sentence of life imprisonment and that such cases are very common in the district.
Passing the judgment on Friday, Magistrate Kakutu said the convict had an option of running away from the fight and report the matter to Police but he opted to fight back and committed the offense.
He, therefore, sentenced the convict to 10 years IHL effective the day of conviction.
Source: MANA
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