The Dalton Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Limbe has convicted and sentenced a 25-year-old man, Macdonald Charles, to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for having sexual intercourse with a 13 -year-old minor.

The court through state prosecutor Inspector Grace Kanjiwa heard that on January 04, 2023, the convict met the standard 6 learner who was going to a nearby grocery shop and he forcefully grabbed her to a close by bush where he carnally known her whilst covering her mouth.

Inspector Kanjiwa further told the court that Charles threatened to kill the victim if she reports to anyone about the ordeal.

However, the victim narrated to her mother about the predicament.

The matter was reported at Limbe Police station who issued the victim with a medical referral letter and the results from Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital came out positive.

Appearing before court, Charles pleaded not guilty to the charge prompting the state to parade two witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, the convict asked for a lenient sentence, citing that he is a first offender.

In her submission state prosecutor Inspector Kanjiwa cited that such cases are on the rise and the offence was well planned hence the convict deserved a custodial sentence to deter would be offenders.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Sajida Maiden concurred with the state’s submission and sentenced Charles to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Macdonald Charles comes from Chipanda Village in the area of Traditional Authority Machinjiri in Blantyre District.

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