A 23-year-old man, Asibu Amidu was on 17th July, 2023 convicted and ordered to pay a fine of K470,000 by the Mangochi Second Grade Magistrate’s Court for reckless, driving uninsured motor vehicle and driving a motor vehicle on a public road without licence.

Mangochi Police Station Public Relations Officer Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi said that Inspector Shadreck Wisiki narrated to the court that Amidu in the afternoon of April 27th, 2023 was driving uninsured Toyota Sienta registration CK8845 from the direction of Liwonde heading towards Mangochi Boma and upon arrival at Mtanga area, he lost control of the motor vehicle due to overspeeding and swerved to the extreme far side of the road where he hit two pedestrians.

“Both sustained head injuries and multiple fractured on both legs as they were admitted at Mangochi District Hospital where they received treatment for weeks before being discharged,” Daudi said.

Amidu pleaded guilty in court to all charges levelled against him and he asked for court’s leniency in mitigation cited that he is a breadwinner to his family.

“In his submission, prosecutor Wisiki reminded the court that Amidu’s wanton driving could have costed innocent people’s lives hence pleaded for a stiffer punishment which Second Grade Magistrate Baxter Chikalimba concurred with when passing sentence.

Chikalimba therefore, ordered Amidu to pay K420,000 for reckless driving and in default 2-years and 3 months imprisonment with hard labour, K50,000 for driving a motor vehicle on a public road without driving licence in default 6 months imprisonment with hard labour and 1-year but suspended to 2 years for driving uninsured motor vehicle.

Daudi then revealed that Amidu has paid the fines but he has further been ordered to pay a sum of K350,000 to the victims as compensation.

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