Malawi’s president, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera with First Lady, Madame Monica Chakwera on Wednesday paid their last respects to Emmet Gondwe, nephew to the first lady, who succumbed to Malaria on the 17th of July 2023.

Born on 20th December 1976 to Ambassador Mr & Mrs Chafuwa Gondwe, Emmet was a professional mechanic who until his demise was residing in Mataware-Zomba.

Speaking on behalf of the President, Secretary General for the Malawi Congress Party Eisenhower Mkaka expressed remorse and said the President is greatly saddened by the death of Emmet who was not only his nephew but also a productive youth in society.

“We have been greatly saddened by the death, because it is the youth who are involved in the development of the country, now if the youth are dying, who will develop the nation?” bemoaned Mkaka.

Comforting the bereaved, Reverend Nase Chunga read a verse from the Bible quoting Luke 13 verses 6-9. He encouraged the congregation to remain strong in the faith and ensure that they bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

“When death comes for a young person, it is always a devastating thing,” he said.

Chunga further urged everyone attending the funeral ceremony to embrace the fruits of the spirit which will help them in the fight against corruption.

According to Hastings Chipofya, an Uncle to the deceased, the body of the Late Emmet Gongwe has been ferried to his home village, Mwazisi in Rumphi where he will be laid to rest.

The first lady Madame Monica Chakwera will attend the burial ceremony while President Chakwera will proceed to attend the funeral service of late Daniel Hamilton Chiwere MP who until his death was a Member of Parliament for Dedza Central Constituency.


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