Government chief whip Jacob Hara has told Parliament that K400 million has been allocated for the repatriation of about 50 Malawian men and women who are said to be working under dehumanising conditions in Oman.

However, Machinga East MP Esther Jolobala said there are over 300 women stuck in Oman and wondered what will happen to the others.

Hara said there are indeed more than 50 Malawians who are in Oman but those that were identified to be working under dehumanising conditions were 50.

Minister of Information Moses Kunkuyu added that not everyone in that country is working under dehumanising conditions. He highlighted that more Malawians are still leaving the country for Oman.

He added that out of the 50 that were identified, some have opted to remain in Oman. He said those to be repatriated Govt to spend Mk400 million to repatriate 50 Malawians in Oman will be less than 50.


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