An 18-year-old s3x worker, Alinafe Tonny of Michesi Village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi District was on July 26th, 2023 convicted and sentenced to one year imprisonment with hard labour by the Mangochi Third Grade Magistrate’s Court for stabbing a fellow s3x worker over a man.

Assistant Public Relations Officer for Mangochi Police Station Atibu Witness said that the court through state prosecutor Sergeant Ernest Mtambo heard that on the night of June 30, 2023, the convict went to Virimo Bottlestore around Makawa Area for business and a few minutes later, she was surprised to see her boyfriend coming into the bar with the victim and disagreements erupted between the two, which led to a fight.

“In the process, the convict smashed an empty bottle of beer and stabbed the victim severely all over the body before she was rushed to Koche Community Hospital, where she was treated for a few days,” Witness said.

Alinafe, pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful wounding in court and asked for leniency, citing that she is too young to go to prison but in his submission, prosecutor Mtambo reminded the court that the convict’s behavior cannot be tolerated by society, hence prayed for a custodial sentence.

Passing sentence, Third Grade Magistrate John Kamphani concurred with the state and sentenced her to one year imprisonment with hard labour, to serve as a deterrent to other would be offenders.


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