Police have arrested a 64-year-old man for allegedly burning his 10-year-old niece after she refused to fetch him a cup.
Balaka Police Station’s public relations officer Gladson M’bumpha  has identified the suspect as Yakobe Alfred.
M’bumpha has confirmed the development and said that the incident occurred on July 10 2023, but the suspect was at large and only arrested on 27 July 2023 following a tip-off about his whereabouts.
It is being reported that ,the suspect asked the Standard 3 girl to fetch him a cup, but she declined, explaining that she was running late for her classes.
“This refusal angered Alfred who then pushed her into a rubbish pit where the girl’s parents were burning waste.
“Even as the young girl pleaded with him to rescue her from the fire, he callously ignored her pleas and instead sought out her brother, who was working in a nearby garden, instructing him to hurry home and save his sister.
Upon hearing the distressing news from her brother, the victim’s parents rushed home to her rescue, finding her still trapped in the burning rubbish pit.
Tragically, by this time, the fire had caused severe damage to her leg, peeling off the skin.
M’bumpha added that the girl was immediately taken to Balaka District Hospital for initial treatment. However, due to the severity of her injuries, she was referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre for further medical attention.
The suspect, is expected to appear in court today to face a charge of acts intended to cause grievous harm.
Meanwhile M’bumpha continued saying that as we await further updates on this harrowing incident, let us collectively reflect on the importance of safeguarding the well-being and safety of the younger members of our communities.
“Acts of violence against children are deplorable and should be condemned unequivocally,”
said M’bumpha
Yakobe Alfred hails from Kampeni Village, Traditional Authority Nsamala in Balaka District.
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