The First Grade Magistrate Court at Mkukula in Dowa has sentenced a 25-year-old man, years and four months IHL for theft of a motor cycle.
State prosecutor, Sub Inspector Prisca Chilakalaka identified the convict as Frank Isaac.
Chilakalaka told the court that in 2019 Isaac was hired by the motorcycle owner to be operating it as Kabaza.
She further said on the same day, the convict disappeared with the motorcycle on July 17, 2023 when the law enforcers arrested him.
Appearing in court, Isaac pleaded guilty to the charge but asked for leniency saying apart from being a bread winner, he is a first offender.
But in her submission, prosecutor Chilakalaka asked for a stiff punishment saying the convict planned well and benefited from this offense as he sold the motorcycle and used the money for his own pleasures.
Passing the sentence, First Grade Magistrate Thomas Midias concurred with the state and sentenced Isaac to 3 years and four months imprisonment with hard labour.
Frank Isaac hails from Chizinga Village, Traditional Authority Kalumbu, Lilongwe District.
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