Minister of Education, Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima on Wednesday morning presided over the handover ceremony of 10 vehicles and 76 motorcycles procured under the Malawi Education Reform Programme (MERP), a four-year programme, whose main objective is to improve the learning environments in lower primary (standards 1-4) in all public schools with a special focus on disadvantaged schools.
In her address during the ceremony which took place at Capital Hill, Lilongwe, Wirima said the procured vehicles and motorcycles will be distributed to district councils to ease mobility challenges faced by MERP Desk Officers when it comes to monitoring various projects under the programme.
She said currently, in fulfillment of one of the programme’s component, construction of 10, 900 classroom blocks is underway and Desk Officers will be able to monitor progress and ensure there is quality work in all the sites.
The minister emphasized that MERP is essential in the implementation of the Malawi 2063 through enabler number 5, which is Human Capital Development achieved through quality education.
She said so far, the programme has already recruited 3500 auxiliary teachers, and is yet to recruit over 2000 girls through an NGO to be announced soon to act as mentors to female learners in most remote schools with no female teachers, constructed 1000 latrines across the country and is disbursing School Improvement Grants (PSIG) in primary schools.
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