In Dedza a 38 year old Alinafe Mkondakutuma, a teacher at Mpalale Community Day Secondary School, will spend the next 21 years in jail for defiling a 15-year-old girl.

Dedza police publicist Beatrice Jefita said the victim was staying with Mkondakutuma who promised to be offering financial support to her as she was about to quit school.

He defiled the victim three times, each resulting into pregnancy and she was forced to abort the pregnancies.

Appearing in court, he pleaded not guilty to the charge; prompting state prosecutor Patrick Chipote to parade four witnesses.

In mitigation, Mkondakutuma pleaded with the court to be lenient with him; saying he was a first offender and that he will lose his job as a teacher.

Principal Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda in Dedza went ahead to convict and sentence Mkondakutuma to 21 years to deter would be offenders.

Mkondakutuma hails from Chimombo Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chilikumwendo in Dedza district.

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