A 62-year-old man, Moyenda Moyo, drowned in Kakoma River on his way back from a drinking spree after failing to cross the man-made bridge in the district on August 10, 2023.

It is said that Moyo, (deceased), left home on the previous day for a drinking joint within the village.

He was later seen by his colleagues leaving the drinking place for home at around 20:00 hours.

However, Moyo was discovered floating in the said river, close to the bridge by a passerby on Thursday, morning.

Preliminary investigations suggest that Moyo failed to cross a two-pole man made bridge on the river.

Officers from Embangweni Police Unit, accompanied by medical personnel from Embangweni Mission Hospital visited the scene.

Postmortem done by the said hospital revealed that death was due to suffocation.

Meanwhile, Jenda Police Station has advised people in the area to drink bear responsibly to avoid such accidents.

Moyenda Moyo hailed from Fimbo Moyo Village, Traditional Authority Mzikubola in Mzimba District.

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