The MANEB Executive Director, Dorothy Nampota reports, that a total of 27, 255 candidates registered for PLSCE examinations. Out of these however, 267, 330 candidates sat for the examinations representing an attendance rate of 96.8%.

For a candidate to pass the Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) Examination he or she must obtain Passes in five subjects including English.

Out of 267,330 candidates who sat for this examination, 234,644 have passed. This represents 87.77% pass rate. This is an improvement from the 2022 pass rate which was 83.24%.

Out of 136,751 female candidates who sat for this examination, 116,195 have passed. This represents 84.97% pass rate, an improvement from 78.34% in 2022. 3.

Out of 130,579 male candidates who sat for this examination, 118,449 have passed. This represents 90.71% pass rate, an improvement from 88.21% in 2022.

Out of 1,809 Special Needs Education (SNE) candidates who sat for this examination, 1,294 have passed. This represents 71.53% pass rate.

Out of 900 male SNE candidates who sat for this examination. 648 have passed. This represents 72.00% pass rate.

Out of 909 female SNE candidates who sat for this examination, 646 have passed. This represents 71.07% pass rate.

The top ten performing districts in descending order are: Nkhata Bay (97.09%), Zomba Urban (96.79%), Rumphi (96.61%), Mzuzu City (95.42%), Phalombe (94.62%), Likoma (94.35%), Zomba Rural (93.92%), Mulanje (91.27), Dedza (91.24%) and Thyolo (90.87%).

The bottom ten (10) performing districts in ascending order are: Dowa (80.33%), Nsanje (80.86%), Salima (81.01%), Mangochi (82.32%), Blantyre City (82.68%), Neno (83.40%), Chiradzulu (84.46%), Balaka (84.69%), Nkhotakota (85.56%), and Nicheu (86.01%.

The top ten (10) schools based on percentage of candidates with distinctions in descending order are: Thawale (Lilongwe East, 89.61%), Pingambuto (Lilongwe East, 87.38%), Chapeta (Nkhatabay, 87.33%), Luwuchi (Rumphi, 86.11%), Chimgonera(Lilongwe West, 85.80%), Ubwenzi (Mangochi, 84.26%). Ilengo (Chitipa, 84.13%). Mzuzu SOS (Mzuzu City. 84.09%). Comensoli Girls Catholic (Mangochi, 83.33%) and Kamphenda (Rumphi, 82.41%).

The bottom ten (10) schools based on percentage of candidates with distinctions in ascending order are: Nyamijeti (Nsanje, 0%), Mua School for the Deaf (Dedza, 0%), Mayuwi (Mzimba south, 0%), Mountain View School for the Deaf (Thyolo, 0%), Cassim Uloom (Mangochi,0%), Lengwe (Dedza, 0%), Muona (Nsanje, 0%), Chikumula (Mzimba South, 0%), Mzuzu Prison Reformed (Mzuzu City, 0%) and Wengani (Mzimba North, 0%).

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