Police in Chipata have arrested a 75-year old man of Mpalakunjala village in Chipangali district for indecently assaulting a 14-year old girl.

Eastern Division Police Commanding Officer Limpo Liywali who confirmed the incident in a statement made available to the media today, says that the incident occurred on Sunday at Chafumela village in Chief Kapatamoyo’s area of Chipangali district at around 15:00 hours.

Mr Liywali says that the matter was reported to the police by the girl’s grandmother who stated that her granddaughter aged 14-years was indecently assaulted by Tobia’s Banda aged 75-years of Mpalakunjala village in Chipangali district.

It is alleged that the suspect touched the victim’s br£asts, vag!na and inserted his manh00d into the mouth of the victim and further tatt00ed her butt0cks with a razor blade in view to administer African traditional medicine on her.

Mr Liywali says that the suspect is currently in police custody and will appear in court soon.

Prime Television

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