The Principle Resident Magistrate’s Court in Mzuzu, on August 16, 2023 convicted and Sentenced Faduwick Chiwaya 52, Sam Kagunda 28, Precious Jonathan 31, Issah Ibrahim 39, Stonarld Nkhoma 39 and Titus Chirwa 31 to 21 years Imprisonment with hard labour for aggravated form of robbery at Royal Gardens Lodge in Mzuzu.

The Court through Prosecutors, Assistant Superintendent Vickness Simwinga and Inspector A. Maganga heard that, Chiwaya, Kagunda, Jonathan, Ibrahim, Nkhoma and Chirwa committed the offence during the month of August, 2023 at Royal Gardens Lodge in Mzuzu City.

They broke into the said Lodge, tying up the receptionist and later besieged 14 rooms occupied by different governmental and non-governmental officials including foreigners, robbing them of belongings worth 7 Million Kwacha.

Upon receipt of the report Police promptly instituted investigations leading to the arrest of the 6 suspects.

In their submission the state prayed for a stiffer sentence considering the manner the offence was committed which greatly traumatized the victims. Two of the suspects namely Samson Chirwa and Precious Jonathan are ex-convicts.

In mitigation the court did not consider their family obligations.

Passing sentence, Principal Resident Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda concurred with the state hence slapped Chiwaya, Kagunda, Jonathan, Ibrahim, Nkhoma and Chirwa with 21 years Imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would-be offenders.

Faduwick Chiwaya hails from Traditional Authority Mabuka in Mulanje, Sam Kagunda from Traditional Authority Fukamapiri in Nkhatabay, Precious Jonathan from Traditional Authority Likoswe in Chiradzulu, Issah Ibrahim from Traditional Authority Mkumba in Mangochi, Stonarld Nkhoma from Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande in Mzimba.

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