The First Grade Magistrate Court in Kasungu has convicted and sentenced two people to 19 years imprisonment with hard labour for robbery and grievous harm.

The duo have been identified as Hambe Chibwana, 44 and Phaniso Phiri, 25.

The court heard through the state prosecutor Sergeant Simbongile Mpumulo that during the night of April 23, 2023 at around 0110hrs at Kaviyomba primary School, the two breaking the house of Georgina Mwanza who was the Ex -wife of Chibwana.

He further told the court that the two broke the main door of the house and enter into the house and assaulted victim with apiece of timber twices in her head.

Chibwana went away with her T. Better mottor cycle and it was dumped 200 metres away from her house.

In court, they pleaded not guilty to the charge of robbery with violence and acts intended to cause grevious harm, This prompted the state to parade four witness to prove the case.

In his submission, Mpumulo asked the court to give stiff punishment to the convict because the act of robbing is becoming more rampant in the area.

First Grade Magestrate Banda concurred with the state and slapped the two to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour for robbery and 7 years imprisonmemt with hard labour for act intended to cause grevious harm sentence to run concurrently.

Chibwana hails from Kalowe village, Traditional Authority Chulu while Phiri hails from Maluwa village, Traditional Authority Chulu both in Kasungu district.

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