Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday convicted and sentenced Cassim Chapola, 36, to four years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL) for being found guilty of possessing specimen of listed species contrary to Section 86 (1) as read with Section 110 b (b) of National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Mangochi Police Station Prosecution Officer, Inspector Amos Mwase told the court that, following a tip, around 12:45 hours on May 12 this year at Ntagaluka, Chapola was found in possession of two pieces of ivory weighing 3.4 kilograms.

Appearing before Magistrate Muhammad Chande, the suspect who was represented by Legal Aid Bureau, pleaded guilty to the charges leveled against him which compelled the court to convict him upon his own voluntary admission and facts presented by the state.

In mitigation, Defense Counsel, Upile Mapata prayed for the court’s leniency saying the offender shown remorse by pleading guilty and did not benefit from the offense hence prayed for a maximum sentence of two years IHL.

In submission, the state through Inspector Mwase said the accused is a first offender but the offense is serious in nature hence five years IHL would be an ideal sentence considering the plea of guilt.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Chande said the sentence balanced both mitigating and aggravating factors and sentenced him to four years IHL effective the day of his arrest.

Chapola comes from Mbulaje Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Makanjira in Mangochi District.

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