Brenda Banda a Clinical Officer from Mpulungu Urban Clinic was found dead in the early hours of today by some neighbours and her sister who happens to be a grade 8 pupil at ST Maximilian Kolbe, who had gone for some school programs.

Reports state that when the said pupil came back from the aforementioned, she found that doors were closed and after several knocks and attempts to open the door, she discovered that there was none to open the door for her.

In perplexity and fear, she ran and shouted for help from her neighbors who came to her aid. Upon breaking the door, it was acrymoniously found that the body of her sister, the clinical officer was lying helplessly dead in the house with a cable of an electric adaptor in her hand.

Some sources have revealed that she was trying to repair the adaptor.

Postmortem on the body is scheduled to be conducted today to ascertain the cause of death.


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