The First Grade Magistrate’s Court at Mponela in Dowa has convicted and sentenced a 46-year-old driver, Louis Chikanya, to pay a fine of K350,000.00 or in default serve 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for causing death by reckless driving.

Central East Regional Prosecution Officer Senior Superintendent Charles Panyani told the court that it was June 7, 2023 at around 17:30 hours at Nkhamanga Trading Centre when Chikanya was driving Toyota Axio registration number BY 1546 from the direction of Kasungu heading Lilongwe along M1 road.

Upon arrival at Nkhamanga Trading Centre, Chikanya hit a young pedestrian, Tadala Edson aged 8 years who hailed from Nkhamanga village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponela in Dowa District who was crosing the road from left to right hand side of road.

He further told the court that due to the impact, Edison died upon arrival at Mponela Rural Hospital due to severe head injuries.

Appearing before court, Chikanya pleaded guilty to the charge of causing death by reckless driving contrary to Section 126 (4C) of Road Traffic Act.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Talakwanji M’ndala concurred with state’s submissions and sentenced Chikanya to pay a fine of K350, 000.00 or in default serve 12 months imprisonment with hard labour and if paid K250,000.00 should be treated as compasation to the bereaved family.

He has since paid the money.

Louis Chikanya comes from Sitolo Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mulonyeni in Mchinji District.

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