The Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has expressed concern with a spate of murder cases in the country.

The cry by DPP follows the gruesome murder of Sales Manager for Coca-cola Beverages Allan Witika and Agnes Katengeza, an IT specialist at Reserve Bank of Malawi.

In a statement DPP spokesperson Sahdreck Namalomba said the insecurity prevailing in the country is a sign that a lot of systems are not functioning under the current administration.

He then urged the government to quickly engage the police, the judiciary and other key agencies is serious dialogue to find a solution to these murder cases.

“In addition to that, we urge government to address the economic challenges Malawi is facing because we strongly believe that some of these cases are linked to poverty and the collapse of the country’s economy,” he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma is today scheduled to address the press on the matter

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