As rainy season is slowly but surely approaching, Muslims in the country have been urged to take a leading role in fighting against climate change by conserving the environment.

The call was made during the Ziyarah Parade, an annual celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him.

The Muslims matched from Kanjedza Mosque passing through Livingston Avenue to Mpingwe Sports Club where prayers were conducted.

Speaking at the event Ziyarah Parade coordinator Mahommed Shaiful Omar emphasized the need for Muslims to take a leading role in conserving the environment.

“Climate change is not only a religious matter, climate change is a humanitarian matter and as humans we all need to do the best we can to protect our climate because we are living in this world and we have to make sure we have greener future for our children and their children,” said Omar.

Turning to the event, Omar hailed Muslims across the country for being united during the celebrations.

Before the event today, on Sunday Muslims donated assorted food items to over 1,500 patient at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.

This year’s Ziyarah Parade to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad was celebrated under theme: “Muhammad peace be upon him, a mercy to mankind.”

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