Blantyre synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) has apologized to the synods of Nkhoma and Livingstonia following the remark the synod’s general secretary Reverend Anderson Juma made in South Africa, allegedly blocking pastors from the other two synods from ministering at its congregations in South Africa.

In a letter addressed to all the synod presbytery moderators and clerks, signed by Synod moderator a Reverend Zgambo and the deputy general secretary Reverend Baxon Maulidi, the synod regrets the choice of the words by Juma.

Further, a delegation from the synod will travel to Nkhoma and Livingstonia synods as a way of showing commitment and seriousness on the apology.

Reverend Maulidi confirmed releasing the statement, saying the synod believes in oneness of CCAP.

Below is the letter;

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