The Malawi National women’s football Team arrived to a heroes’ welcome at Chileka International Airport on Monday after winning the COSAFA Women’s Football Champions on Sunday.

Adoring fan, along with Minister of Youth and Sports, Uchizi Mkandawire were there to welcome Coach Lovemore Fazil and her girls, following their 2-1 victory over Zambia in the finals.

Speaking to the media upon arrival at the Airport, Scorchers captain said she was very happy that the team managed to win the cup and gave all the credit to her fellow players saying the have managed to win the cup because they were working together as a team.

People lined up on the road from the airport cheering the team to Blantyre, Mount Soche Hotel were the team had gala dinner.


At the dinner gala Football Association of Malawi (FAM) president Walter Nyamilandu Manda announced that each member of the Scorchers squad will receive K1 million as a token of appreciation for winning the Cosafa women’s Championship Cup.

The Scorchers showcased an impressive performance during the whole tournament and they managed to remain unbeaten in all five games played.

The Malawi National women’s football Team have become the only Malawian national team to win a trophy after 35 years.

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