Police at Jenda have on October 17, 2023 apprehended ten people suspected to have maliciously damaged houses belonging to Agness Nzima and her daughter over witch craft accusation in the village of Kamangadazi at Embangweni earlier this year in the district.

It is on the record that the people of Kamangadazi accused Agness Nzima of keeping a young boy through magic who went missing around June this year. The villagers led by the suspects torched down her house and also another house belonging to her daughter after she sought refuge when fleeing from the angry people.

The suspects have since been charged with arson, malicious damage, inciting violence, charging a person with witchcraft, employing a witch-finder, Instigating or directing trial by prohibited ordeals. They will appear before court in due course to answer charges levelled against them.

Police is advising chiefs and members of the community against illegal practices such as charging a person with witchcraft or employing a witch-finder. Further police warn those involved in mob justice that their acts will not go unpunished no matter how long it may take.

All the ten suspects come from Kamangadazi village, Traditional Authority Mzukuzuku in Mzimba district.

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