The renowned Health Expert Maziko Matemba has called upon Malawians to adhere to different preventive measures set by health authorities in the country for diseases like Polio and Measles which have resurfaced.
According to Matemba, the resurfacing of the diseases show that Malawians are failing to practice good hygiene and are not vaccinating their children against the diseases.
The sentiment has been made following the case  of Nine people who have been diagnosed with measles out of which two children have died in the capital city Lilongwe.

Last week, authorities collected 32 samples from community members in Lilongwe’s area 36.
However, Matemba has since condemned some faith leaders for refusing their followers from getting vaccinated; a thing which he says is contributing to the resurgence of the diseases.
He has therefore advised Parents and guardians to seek medical attention when they notice symptoms of the disease in their children like high fever, cough, runny nose, watery eyes and red spots on the skin.
Source: TWR &Power101
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