The body of former legislator for Rumphi North, Joshua Mzembe, who was murdered in a controversial circumstance in Mulanje, was on Tuesday laid to rest at his Mwahomero village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwalweni in the district.

Mzembe’s body was found half-buried at a graveyard in Ngolowera village in Mulanje district on Thursday last week and police arrested on a couple, Mac Novasi Sabuneti and Grace Maluwa on suspicion that they had a hand in the murder.

In his eulogy, T/A Mwalweni has described the departed Mzembe as a great son who represented people well during his 2004 to 2009 term of office as a Parliamentarian for the constituency under the Alliance for Democracy (Afford) party.

General Secretary of the CCAP synod of Livingstonia, Reverend William Tembo described Mzembe as a great pillar of the church.

Born in 1972, late Mzembe is survived by a wife and three children according to family members.

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