Police in Limbe have arrested three people for allegedly committing offences of burglary and theft.

Through intelligence gathering, Limbe Police Station managed to arrest Joseph Nkosi, 43, Wilson Ben, 30, and a 15-year old teenager (name withheld)

Limbe Police detectives managed to arrest Joseph Nkosi, 43, Wilson Ben, 30 and a 15-year-old teenager who on November 2, 2023 at around midnight broke into a house at Machinjiri and went away with various household items including a set of entertainment unit, all valued at K1.7 Million.

Following their arrest on November 14, 2023, the the suspects admitted to have been behind a series of robberies in various residential areas among which are Mapanga, Machinjiri and Chiwembe as well as breaking into a warehouse in Limbe Township where they went away with 16 Hunter bicycles worth K2.8 Million.

Further investigation enabled Limbe police to recover more assorted electrical and household items like TV screens, Car battery, Cellphones and various Computer accessories valued at K7 Million.

Wilson Ben is from Mujisi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chikumbu in Mulanje District, whilst Joseph Nkosi hails from Zalengela village in Traditional Authority Chitera in Chiradzulo District and the teenager is from Choswe village under Traditional Authority Kapeni in Blantyre District.

The suspects will appear before court soon to answer charges of burglary and theft.

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