20 underprivileged children at Khaya primary school in Mulanje district are now happy after they have received a donation of various materials from the women’s group of Khaya CCAP church.

The chairperson of women’s group, Metrina Kachere, said she thought it was wise to give that support as one of the ways to encourage these children in their studies through the pillar of doing charity work.

Sayima Namate who is the head master at the school thanked the group for providing them with the support saying that it will help reduce the practice of children absenting themselves from school due to lack of uniform and other resources.

Some of the items that were donated at the school were, school uniforms, note books, pens and soap.

The guest of honor at this event was Franco Nyambalo who is one of the leaders of education in Thuchira Presbytery in Blantyre Synod.

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