Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) President Peter Mutharika has hailed party officials for allegedly shunning the National Governing Council (NGC) meeting sanctioned its Secretary General Grezeleder Jeffrey.

DPP Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey called for NGC meeting which was held yesterday at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe where 30 delegates attended out of 71.

During the NGC meeting, delegates agreed to hold convention on December 15 and 16 in the capital Lilongwe.

But in a statement Mutharika through his spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba has described the NGC as illegal.

“His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, President of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Former President of the Republic of Malawi, sincerely extends his vote of thanks to Members of the National Governing Council who refused to be hoodwinked to attend an illegal meeting called by the renegade Secretary General.

“The non-attendance of the meeting strongly manifests their vote of confidence in the rule of law and adherence to the Constitution of the Party. Any resolutions, therefore, that may have been made at the illegal meeting are invalid. His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika will, in due course, call for a meeting of the Central Executive Committee to discuss and map the way forward,” reads part of the statement.

Meanwhile, Mutharika has said he will soon call for another NGC meeting.

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