MEDIA personality and talk show host Mutale Mwanza has been sued for allegedly yelling at a motorist while holding a gun, an incident which allegedly left the female victim, who is a doctor at the University Teaching Hospitals (UTH), traumatized.

The complainant, Natasha Mulenga, has complained that the incident left her extremely traumatized and she now wants the Lusaka High Court to order the outspoken entrepreneur to pay her damages for assault.

Court records show that the incident happened on November 5, 2023, when the two were stuck in traffic before the defendant, Ms Mwanza, emerged from her car with a gun.

The statement of claim filed at the Lusaka High Court shows that Dr Mulenga was on the material day driving home when she found a broken-down car in Chainda area and that during the time, traffic was building behind the stationery automobile.

The plaintiff submits that she then decided to keep to her lane and pass the scene in order for the built-up traffic to flow.

But before her vehicle passed the broken-down car, Ms Mwanza had started flashing vehicle lights at the doctor’s car and decided the defendant then decided to bypass the broken-down vehicle, joining Ms Mulenga’s lane.

The plaintiff submits that when Ms Mwanza blocked her car, the defendant(Ms Mwanza) then proceeded to disembark from her vehicle while carrying a firearm in her right hand.

Ms Mwanza then approached Dr Mulenga’s vehicle while shouting at her and banging on her vehicle.

“Arising from that, the plaintiff suffered extreme trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, severe anxiety, physiological distress, sleep disorder, experienced recurring nightmares about the event and gastrointestinal upset,” she submits in part.

The doctor adds that as a result of the injury suffered, she had to be placed on a mandatory 10 day medical leave due to diminished concentration and had to see a psychotherapist at the Adult and Emergency Hospital at UTH.

She now seeks damages for assault, among other reliefs.

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