The investigation further revealed ho w a Lagos-based broker recruits young boys to act as agents to sell their kidney to renal patients.

The Nigerian government has acknowledged the existence of illegal kidney trade in Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory (FCT) highlighting it’s interventions to curtail the act.

Daily trust in an investigation Sunday, detailed the thriving economy of illegal kidney trade in the FCT and how agents operate freely, luring young men from low economic backgrounds to sell their kidney.

The investigation also highlighted how Nigeria’s social economic challenges have contributed to the travails of the young men who sell their kidneys without minding the long term repercussions, as Nigeria has no regulatory body in charge.

However, in reaction to the findings via his X account, minister of health and social welfare, Muhammad Pate, clarified that there is a policy and legal framework that enables regulation of health practice in Nigeria, including medical transplantation.

Source: All Africa News