Zimbabwe – A 67-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy from a local school were taken into custody after being caught stark nαked while performing sεx acts on each other in a bushy area near Sauerstown suburb in Bulawayo.

Alfred Ncube and the 16-year-old boy whose name is being withheld for legal reasons were busted in broad daylight in their birthday suits while passionately kissing and caressing each other.

A passerby spotted their tryst and reported to the police who rushed to the scene to find the sexual acts still going on.

The two were so engaged that they didn’t notice when the police officers arrived at the scene.

They were subsequently arrested and taken to court where they appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Makelo Ncube both charged with sodomy.

They both pleaded guilty to the charge and the case was remanded to 25 January.

Ncube was remanded in custody while the 16-year-old boy was released into the custody of his mother.

The boy’s mother was sternly warned that if the boy goes into hiding a warrant of arrest will be issued against her.

The gallery was left speechless and stunned when the pair brazenly admitted that they were lovers.

The court heard that on Monday this week at around 530pm, an informer spotted Ncube and the boy in a bushy area near Sauerstown suburb.

They were reportedly stark nαked while cuddling, kissing and performing sεx acts on each other.

The informer reported them at Kumalo Police Station.

Police officers swiftly reacted and rushed to the scene where they caught them in the act and subsequently arrested them

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