After expelling former Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa from the party, the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is now plotting to have Nankhumwa removed as leader of opposition in Parliament.

The party also want Member of Parliament for Zomba Chisi who has been fired together with Nankhumwa, removed as Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament chairperson.

DPP spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba has confirmed of the plot in an interview with one of the local daily papers (Nation Publications Limited).

“These are consequential matters. No one can become Leader of Opposition [LoP] currently without endorsement from the DPP and Nankhumwa is not a DPP member.

“That means he ceases to be the LoP. So too is Botomani at PAC. A non-member of the DPP cannot be enjoying the benefits of members,” said Namalomba.

But Namalomba could not disclose the likely person to take over from Nankhumwa.

Inside sources have confided in us that George Chaponda has been earmarked for the post.

Faceofmalawi is following up the issue and will keep you updated.

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