Chief resident magistrate Madalitso Chimwaza has thrown out an application by the ACB to adjourn the case in which former presidential advisor Chris Chaima Banda former Minister of Energy Newton Kambala and Alliance for Democracy president Enoch Chihana are accused of attempting to influence Nocma to award contracts to particular suppliers.

Chimwaza has faulted the State for not giving reasons for seeking the adjournment and that they should have prepared the witness for the cross -examination process knowing the magnitude of the case.

She said the cross-examination will proceed and Buluma will be allowed to remain seated throughout the process.
However, Buluma was not in court as the ruling was being made.

ACB director general Martha Chizuma told the court that Buluma was not feeling well and has proceeded to seek medical attention.

Defence lawyers have said the way the witness has left, without giving notice to the court, indicates that the State is not ready to proceed.

On of the defence lawyers, Gilbert Khonyongwa submitted that if the witness will not be in court at the next hearing, then the accused persons should be discharged.


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