31-year-old Samson Jasten Mbewe is expected to spend the next 18 years in prison after the Senior Resident Magistrate in Kasungu found him guilty of having defiling a 14-year-old girl.

Police Prosecutor Sergeant Bertha Daniel told the court that on December 3, 2023 the victim went to Kaluluma forest to fetch firewood where the convict took advantage to have sex with her.

“When she went home she revealed the story to her aunt. On December 4, 2023 the victim, together with her uncle started searching for the suspect and he was identified by the victim and taken to Ndonda police unit,” said Daniel.

Mbewe pleaded not guilty, but the state paraded four witnesses to prove the case.

In his submission, Daniel asked the court for a stiff punishment to deter would-be offenders.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Eliya Zawanda concurred with the state and sentenced him to 18 years Imprisonment with hard labour.

Mbewe hails from Matha Village, Traditional Authority Kapelula in Kasungu.


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