A court in Mchinji has convicted and sentenced Steven Banda, aged 32, and Thokozani Phiri, 28, to one and a half years imprisonment for attempting to escape lawful custody and damaging police cell structures at Mchinji Border Police Unit.

Passing his sentence, Third Grade Magistrate Samuel Chakudza slapped the two with 12 months for attempting to escape lawful custody and 18 months for unlawful wounding, to run concurrently.

The court heard through Prosecutor Sergeant Jacquireen Maseya that the two were arrested in January at Mchinji Border Police Unit, where they connived and broke the window glass of the cell with the intention to create an exit point.

She said upon noticing something, the police officer on duty visited the cell where he observed that the suspects were attempting to escape.

Banda hails from Kakhungwa village, under T/A Mduwa in Mchinji, while Phiri comes from Chatimba village in T/A Kalolo in Lilongwe district.

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